I am against the whole "it must suck if it does not measure well" approach as there are many amps that do not measure fantastic but sound great - after all, musical and sound tastes are quite subjective.
Why I am interested in measurements of the Bottlehead Crack and any other tube amp is to see if it is possible to figure out what specific distortion gives them their specific sound profile. My personal preference is for slightly euphonic amps (Lyr 3, Valhalla 2, Bottlehead Crack) for pure enjoyment and more neutral amps (JDS Atom, Magni 3) for music recording and gaming. I am fascinated with the whole objectivist vs subjectivist debate and my personal opinion is that there is a use for both neutral and slightly euphonic amps. I used to have a Bottlehead Crack and really liked it.

I completely understand your point of view.